Visible Thinking South Florida: A Learning Community of Practice Initiative
Visible Thinking South Florida, who we are and what we do
Our Story
Who we are
VTSF is a 501(3)(c) innovation initiative that supports action research and learning communities of practice interested in learning, implementing, and improving ideas. It draws ideas from research-based frameworks, including Harvard Project Zero’s ideas.
Our Vision
Our vision is to strengthen learning communities of practice to build a collective wisdom. We aim to connect theories and practice, foster thinking and learning, and promote global competencies.
Our Mission
VTSF's mission is to offer practitioners a learning community of practice where they can be exposed to research-based practices, share experiences, and mentor each other. VTSF aims to empower teachers to prepare children to thrive in a complex and changing world.

What we Do
Continued Professional Development Opportunities
The International VTSF Conferences are well known for addressing trending themes in education, attracting renowned speakers.